March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»
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Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship Guild
Russian Federation
Expert platform for the formation of business social responsibility standards
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Guild of Operators and Developers of Infrastructure Projects
Russian Federation
Development and implementation of infrastructure projects aimed at creating a comfortable urban environment. Organization and holding on a regular basis special events (round tables, etc.) aimed at promoting the experience of the MCCI / guild in the development and implementation of infrastructures
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Kostroma region Agency for Investment and Business Development
Russian Federation
Stand B902
Tourist Information Center of the State Autonomous Institution "Investment and Entrepreneurship Development Agency of the Kostroma region" renders information and consulting services to Kostroma residents and guests of the city as well as to representatives of tourism infra-structure of the region.
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Agency for Tourism and Business Communications of the Rostov Region
Russian Federation
Stand A802
Rostov region offers tourists to give free rein to their feelings! We open to the traveler the whole range of emotions - ancient Cossack villages, gastronomic pleasures and wines of the Don Valley. And also - new industrial tourism: from Semikarakor ceramics to the energy of a peaceful atom
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Tourism Agency of Magadan region
Russian Federation
Ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of tourism on the territory of Magadan Oblast, promotes the development of tourist activity, promotes Magadan Region on the internal and external tourist markets, forms a unified tourist information space in the region
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Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects
Russian Federation
A Russian autonomous non-profit organisation established by the Russian Government to implement a range of measures in the economic and social spheres. In particular, to promote priority projects, implement measures to improve the business environment in Russia, etc.
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Administration of Vologda
Russian Federation
Stand B904
Evpatoria City Administration of the Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Stand A901
Perm City Administration
Russian Federation
Perm is a major industrial, scientific and cultural center of the Urals. Its pride is its historical buildings and temples, unique museums and theaters, and, of course, the Permians S. P. Diaghilev, N. G. Slavyanov, and A. S. Popov who made the city famous. P. Diaghilev, N. G. Slavyanov, A. S. Popov
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Administration of the city of Saki, Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Stand A901
Activities of local authorities in the management of issues of a general nature
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Administration of the city of Yalta, Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Stand A901
Every corner of Yalta is an open-air museum. Our city attracts visitors with numerous attractions, museums, architectural monuments and palaces. A sanatorium-resort complex with a developed infrastructure and is ready to receive tourists throughout the year. Welcome to Yalta!
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Administration of Togliatti city district
Russian Federation
Department of International and Interregional Relations of the Togliatti City Administration carries out international and inter-regional cooperation of the city communitiy of Togliatti and co-ordintates projects and programs in the field of development of domestic and inbound tourism.
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Zadonsk municipal district administration
Russian Federation
Stand B1901
Tourist information center and tourist postal station "ZADONSKAYA ZEMLYA". On the Zadonsk land, the first phila-guide in Russia with the effect of augmented reality “POSTAL ADVENTURES IN THE ZADONSKAYA LAND” with postal quest routes was created.
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Kamchatka Krai Administration
Russian Federation
Kamchatka Krai is part of the Far Eastern Federal District and occupies the Kamchatka Peninsula with the adjacent mainland, as well as the Commander and Karaginsky Islands. Volcanoes are Kamchatka's calling card
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Administration of the Kirillov Municipal District
Russian Federation
Stand B904
Carries out general management of the regional administrative body, coordinates issues related to the national economic complex
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Administration of the Chukotka Autonomous District
Russian Federation
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. It has the status of an independent subject of the Federation since June 17, 1992. Most of Chukotka is located in the eastern hemisphere, the Chukotka Peninsula in the western hemisphere, and half of its territory is above the Arctic Circle
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Tambov Region Tourism Development Association
Russian Federation
Tambov Region Tourism Development Association - leading public and business tourism organization in the region that consolidates the tourist infrastructure and promotes the region in the domestic and international markets
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National Association of Information-tourist organizations
Russian Federation
One of the main objectives of the Association is the development and promotion of tourism in the regions of Russia. Among the ongoing projects are National Calendar of Events, bonus program, Museum Information Center
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Russian Federation
Stand A1702
Association of Tour Operators (ATOR) was established in 2007 in order to protect interests of tour operators' community. ATOR unites approximately 50 leading companies from Russia. In 2009 ATOR became an affiliated member of UNWTO.
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Astrakhan Regional Innovation Center
Russian Federation
Stand A801
The Cluster Development Center supports small and medium-sized businesses. It was established to identify cluster initiatives, to support the coordination of projects of small and medium-sized businesses.
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Bashtursoyuz NPO
Russian Federation
Stand A1901
BashTurSoyuz is a union established to carry out activities to represent and protect the common, including professional interests of organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry.
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Bereginya Folk Crafts Center MBUK
Russian Federation
Stand B1802
The Folk Crafts Center "Bereginya" of Kargopol was established in 1993 to preserve and develop traditional crafts of Kargopolye. The Center is staffed by honored masters of folk crafts
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VeloRossiya All-Russian Public Movement
Russian Federation
A non-governmental, non-profit organization whose goal is to create a comprehensive infrastructure in Russia to enable the tourist, recreational and transport function of the bicycle and means of individual mobility.
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Russian Federation
VEB.RF is a Russian state development corporation providing financing for social and economic projects
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Bryansk region Department of culture
Russian Federation
Stand B1101
The main functions of the department are: formation of a positive image of the Bryansk region as a place favorable for travel and recreation; promotion of a regional tourist product to Russian and foreign markets; preservation of tourist resources of historical and cultural value.
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Department of culture and tourism of Lipetsk administration
Russian Federation
Monitoring of the state and development of culture, art and tourism in the city of Lipetsk. Organization and provision of representation of the city's interests in the issues of culture, art and tourism at the regional, regional, All-Russian and international levels.
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Department for Tourism and Hospitality Industry Development of the Sverdlovsk Region
Russian Federation
It is an executive body of state power of the Sverdlovsk region, ensuring the implementation of the main directions of state policy in the sphere of tourism and tourism activities in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region.
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Rural Development Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The main focus of the institution's activities is the integrated development of rural areas.
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Eurasian community of travel industry specialists
Russian Federation
Stand A104
ECTOS consists of companies, museums and individuals specialising in tourism, law, IT. Its flagship projects are: PRObrand - the International marketing contest in tourism, and the Territory branding conference. Refresher courses are being implemented together with RUDN University
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Russian Federation
Stand B402
The Leningrad region is famous for its amazing nature, coniferous and mixed forests, numerous lakes surrounded by famous parks and the unique architecture of ancient estates, fortresses and the ruins of ancient temples, which keep the secrets of the past.
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Russian Federation
The mission of KAVKAZ.RF is to create conditions for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus Federal District through the effective management of special economic zones and building mutually beneficial cooperation between the state and business.
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State Duma Committee on Tourism and Tourism Infrastructure Development
Russian Federation
Goals and objectives: elaboration of tourism development strategy in Russia; implementation of state policy in the sphere of tourism; organization of development and implementation of federal target and interstate programs in the sphere of tourism; provision of training, retraining of tourist staff
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Committee for Entrepreneurship in Tourism of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow City Tourism Committee
Russian Federation
The Tourism Committee's tasks include developing the city's tourism potential by creating conditions for sustainable growth of the industry, maintaining a positive image and the comprehensive promotion of tourism products on the Russian and international markets
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Committee on tourism and hotel business, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Russian Federation
The committee was established in August 2014 and unites tourism and hotel companies to effectively protect their interests. Chairman - Sergey Nikolaevich Abramov, President of Caesar Club Corporation
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Children and Family Tourism Committee of RUTI
Russian Federation
Stand A1901
Our committee is an alliance of professionals in the field of children's and family tourism. Our mission and goal is to make tourism accessible and safe for all!
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RUTI Cultural Tourism Committee
Russian Federation
The Russian Union of Travel Industry was founded in 1993. It is the largest industry association comprising tour operators, travel agencies, hotels, health resorts, transport, insurance, consulting, IT companies, educational institutions, media, public and other organisations in the tourism sector.
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Federation Council Committee on Social Policy
Russian Federation
Permanent body of the Federation Council. Deals with issues of legislative support: state social policy and social development; state youth policy; state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, etc.
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Coordination Council under the RF PC for the Development of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Industry
Russian Federation
The Coordination Council under the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for the development of tourism, hospitality and recreation is an advisory body under the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
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Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Russian Federation
The Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic is a management company determined by the Government of the Russian Federation to manage the territories of advanced socio-economic development, the free port of Vladivostok, the RF Arctic zone and the Russkiy island.
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Resorts of the Zaporozhye region, GUP
Russian Federation
Stand A1402
Resorts of Zaporozhye region is a network of hotels on the coast of the Azov Sea. All hotels are located on the first line
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Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Ensuring accessibility of medical care and increasing the efficiency of medical services, the volumes, types and quality of which should correspond to the level of morbidity and needs of the population, advanced achievements of medical science.
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Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Stand A901
Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Republic of Crimea is an executive body in charge of governmental policy implementation in the field of resorts and tourism.
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Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Kherson region
Russian Federation
Stand A1401
Ministry of Tourism and Youth Policy of the Perm Region
Russian Federation
It is worth coming to the Perm Krai not only to see the history. It has stunning nature and many opportunities for active recreation - hiking, rafting, rock climbing and ski resorts.
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Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Russian Federation
Stand B1201
The republican executive authority that carries out, within its competence, coordination, planning and functional regulation in the field of development and support of small and medium-sized businesses, tourism and the tourism industry.
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Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Russian Federation
Is a federal executive authority responsible for the creation and functioning of advanced development territories in the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation
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Russian Federation
Stand A1402
Ministry of Sports and Tourism defines main tasks and directions of development of resorts and tourism in the Zaporozhye region, including by supporting the development of tourist industry facilities. Creates and provides favorable conditions for unhindered access of tourists to tourist resources
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Ministry of sports and tourism of Republic of Mari El
Russian Federation
Stand B801
The Committee's main field of work is the creation of the high-efficient and competitive tourism and recreation compex that is able to satisfy Russian and foreing travellers' needs in tourism and rest on Mari El Republic's territory.
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Ministry of Tourism and Crafts of Nizhny Novgorod Region
Russian Federation
Stand B1401
The executive body of Nizhny Novgorod Region, which implements the state powers to create favourable conditions for tourism development in the region, revival and development of folk arts and crafts within its competence
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Ministry of Tourism of Cuba
Russian Federation
Stand A503
The Ministry of Tourism of Cuba is a public organization with the primary goal of promoting all Cuban tourism options, such as ecotourism, sun and beach holidays, diving, health programs, among others.
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Tver region Ministry of tourism
Russian Federation
The Ministry of tourism of the Tver region creates favorable conditions for the development also provides a comfortable tourist environment in the Tver region.
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Ministry of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Mordovia
Russian Federation
Stand B1401
Executive body of state power of the Republic of Mordovia
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Russian Federation
A federal executive body responsible for developing and implementing the Russian government's economic policy in a number of areas.
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Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Russian Federation
Stand A1202a
The main task of the MCCI is to support Moscow businesses and promote the development of entrepreneurship in Moscow, building effective relationships between business and the authorities.
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No more. Garbage. Environmental movement.
Russian Federation
A public environmental organization that has been carrying out educational activities across Russia for over 12 years. Since 2010, our team has held 308 performances for 24,103 people, 541 eco-lessons and 203 quizzes for 18,577 children, organized 50 exhibitions for 17,964 visitors, etc.
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National association of information-tourist organizations
Russian Federation
The National Association of information-tourist organizations is a non-profit company. It was founded in 2013 to develop the tourist information centres in Russia, to create conditions for cooperation and sharing experiences between different regions and promotion.
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National Association of Organizations for the Development of Rural and Ecotourism
Russian Federation
Our goal: To form a strong community of like-minded people engaged in the development of rural, ecological and other types of tourism close to them (ethnographic, gastronomic, event, educational, etc.), throughout Russia.
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National Tourism Agency of the Republic of Belarus
Stand A601
Belarus National Tourism Agency was established to provide marketing and promotion of tourist services of Belarus. We publish promotional materials, maps, videos. We organize seminars and FAM trips. We provide all kinds of information on Belarus tourist potential. Explore Belarus!
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National Union of Camping and Caravanning Industry Professionals
Russian Federation
Stand B2101
The Union brings together operators, designers, builders of facilities to accommodate independent tourists and their vehicles, involved in the production and sale of vehicles, suppliers of specialized equipment
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Russian Federation
Stand A1101
China National Tourist Office in Moscow is a structural unit of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China. The main task of the Office is to promote Chinese tourism products on the Russian market.
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Independent Association of Travel Agencies (NOTA)
Russian Federation
Independent Association of Travel Agencies - to protect your interests. Creating an environmentally friendly environment for the activities of agencies. Protection of professional interests. Travel agencies. Providing a permanent opportunity to earn without risks.
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National Union of hospitality industry
Russian Federation
OSIG is a non-profit organization established in the summer of 2019 with the aim of consolidating travel business organizations to protect their professional interests, solve systemic problems in the field of tourism through the introduction of an integrated approach to the development of territorie
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Russia's backbone
Russian Federation
Facilitating the process of uniting Moscow entrepreneurs and citizens to participate in the formation of favorable political, economic, legal and other conditions for the development of entrepreneurial activity in the Moscow region and in the Russian Federation
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Bashkortostan Project Office for the Development of Territories
Russian Federation
Stand B1201
Territorial Development Project Office is a non-state headquarters for territorial development, which creates and implements environmentally friendly socio-economic models in territories, taking into account inter-municipal and interdepartmental cooperation.
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Pskov Regional Union of Travel Industry
Russian Federation
The main mission of the Pskov Regional Union of Travel Industry (PRUTI) is to increase the tourist attractiveness of the region and create favorable conditions for the development of tourism enterprises of the Pskov region.
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Russian Federation
The main objectives of the Russian Chamber of Shipping are to protect and promote the interests of member organizations at both national and international levels, as well as to improve the image of Russian shipping in general, to promote the development and renewal of the sea and river fleet.
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Russian Federation
Youth All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Student Detachments" ● Here you will find a summer job and friends for life There are over 225,000 of us We are in 82 regions Our #TrudKrut
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Russian Union of Travel Industry (RST)
Russian Federation
Stand A1403
The Russian Union of Travel Industry (RST) — the largest association of the tourism industry in Russia, which includes more than 3000 organizations in the tourism business.
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Russian-Chinese Friendship, Peace and Development Committee
Russian Federation
The Russian-Chinese Friendship, Peace and Development Committee is an interstate non-governmental organization established by the leaders of the two countries. The working bodies of the national parts of the Committee are the Councils of the Committee.
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Russian Federation
RGS is one of the oldest geographical societies in the world, unites specialists in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as enthusiasts-travelers, environmentalists, public figures – all who seek to learn new things about Russia, who are ready to help preserve its natural resources.
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Council for Professional Qualifications in the Hospitality Sector
Russian Federation
The Council for Professional Qualifications in Hospitality was established in 2014 based on the decision of the National Council for Professional Qualifications under the President of the Russian Federation.
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Tourist Information Center of the Kaliningrad Region
Russian Federation
Stand B501
Promotion of the tourist potential of the Kaliningrad region, both in the domestic, and on the foreign market. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of domestic, inbound tourism.
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Tourist Information Center of Khabarovsk Krai
Russian Federation
Stand A1201
Khabarovsk Krai is the birthplace of whales and airplanes! The sun shines 300 days a year, the majestic full-flowing Amur River stretches here, and the taiga is home to Amur tigers and brown bears.Visit Komsomolsk-on-Amur, where the world's most advanced military and civilian aircraft are produced
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Tourist Information Center, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Region
Russian Federation
Stand B1601
The most interesting things about the life of our city! Here you can find entertainment for every taste regardless of whether it's hot summer or frosty winter! - event schedule - sights - excursions - places for leisure - contacts - and much more
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Russian Federation
Stand B904
Development of tourist attractiveness of the Vologda Region. Organization of exhibition and presentation events in the field of tourism. Provision of tourist information and advisory services to residents and guests of the region.
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Novosibirsk City Tourist Information Center
Russian Federation
Stand B701
The Tourist Information Center of Novosibirsk collects all tourist information about the city, informing residents and guests about sights, interesting places, gastronomy, events and infrastructure.
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Russian Federation
Stand B301
Administration carries out state policy and regulation in the tourism sector, and promotes the development of tourism infrastructure in the Kurgan region.
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Kolomna City District Administration's Department of Culture and Tourism
Russian Federation
Defines goals and priorities of activity in the sphere of culture and tourism of the district, including development of folk art and cultural and leisure activities, professional art, additional education of the sphere of culture and art, development of museum and library business, tourism.
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Tourism Department of the Belgorod Region
Russian Federation
Development of the Belgorod Region's tourism potential, implementation of measures to increase tourist flow to the region, organization and implementation of tourism events, promotion of the Belgorod Region's tourism products, participation in tourism information support.вн
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Stand A601
Sports and tourism administration of Gomel oblast executive committee is an executive body of the government, which conducts state policy and regulates spheres of physical education, sports and tourism in Gomel region
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Department of tourism of the city of Sevastopol
Russian Federation
Stand A803
The Department of Tourism of the city of Sevastopol is the executive body of state power of the city of Sevastopol, which performs the functions of implementing the state policy of the city of Sevastopol in the field of tourism.
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Air Power Athletics Federation of Russia
Russian Federation
The Federation was established for the purpose of development, popularization and promotion of air-power athletics in Russia, increasing its role in the all-round and harmonious development of the personality, health promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle of citizens.
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Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia
Russian Federation
The mission of FRiO is creating conditions for the development of the hospitality industry, including development of standards and rules for business and professional activities, consolidation of organizations to overcome obstacles hindering the development of the industry.
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Federation of Sports Tourism of Russia
Russian Federation
The Russian Sports Hiking Federation is a non-profit association for all backpackers who enjoy backpacking, promoting a culture of hiking that is not limited to sport and physical fitness.
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Competence Center under the Committee on Inbound Tourism of RUTI
Russian Federation
The Competence Center is an information and communication platform aimed at assisting Russian companies in entering international markets, as well as collecting analytics and consulting in the creation of tourism products.
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Tourism Development Center of the Republic of Bashkortostan
Russian Federation
Stand B1201
ANO "Tourism Development Center of the Republic of Bashkortostan" is an organization whose purpose is to provide services in the field of tourism, promote its development and expand the tourism potential of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
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Ecosystem/Green Standard All-Russian project
Russian Federation
Involvement of youth in reforestation and implementation of Russia's climate policy. GREEN STANDARD All-Russian project Ecologization of spaces and events in Russia with an integrated approach and a system of partner services from the All-Russian Ecological Movement "Ecosystem".
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