March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Ostrova, Ltd.

Ostrova, Ltd.
Russian Federation
Address: Petrozavodsk, 5 Kirov Street, office 112
Phone: +7 (8142) 76-71-92
Web site:
Working since 1997 in the market of tourist services in Karelia. We create interactive programs and author's itineraries in Karelia and Russia. We actively cooperate with public organizations of pensioners and schools of Karelia and Russia. In cooperation with teachers we create interesting field programs. Since 1998 we are engaged in children's rest, we send commercial and sports groups to away camps on the Black Sea. We know well the base of children's health resorts, principles of work with Russian Railways and airlines. We regularly undergo training and follow new trends. We hold training courses for tour guides and promotional tours for travel agents. Since 2022 we have opened a representative office in St. Petersburg. Since 2023 we have opened a representative office in Sortavala. We create travel programs in Russia for local residents. We have experience of agency activity. Great experience of participation in international and Russian tourism exhibitions.


Индивидуальные консультации профессионалов по отдыху в Карелии
Консультации  профессионалов по теме "Туристический потенциал Республики Карелии. Заповедники, экотропы,  Петроглифы, Ладожские шхеры. Авторские маршруты. прием групп в г. Сортавала";
Предварительная запись. продолжительность 15 минут; Запись на рекламные туры осень - весна 2024года;