March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Saki military clinical hospital and resort named after N.I. Pirogov, Republic of Crimea

Saki military clinical hospital and resort named after N.I. Pirogov, Republic of Crimea
Russian Federation
Cакский военный клинический санаторий им. Н.И. Пирогова, Республика Крым
Address: Saki, 2, Kurortnaya Street
Phone: +78007774790
Web site:
Saki Military Clinical Health Resort named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Defence of Russia. N.I. Pirogov Sanatorium of the Russian Ministry of Defence is a wide-ranging sanatorium licensed for 90 types of medical services. The structure of the resort includes the Medical Centre, where sanatorium treatment is provided, and the Medical Rehabilitation Centre with fully adapted infrastructure for patients with limited mobility. The main specialisation of the resort is treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, the central and peripheral nervous system, diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women, and medical rehabilitation for movement disorders. The combination of natural healing factors (Saki mud, brine, mineral water, climate) with traditional and innovative methods of physiotherapy and therapeutic physical training is the key to effective treatment.


Попова Маргарита Сергеевна
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