March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Tse Suleiman Travel

Tse Suleiman Travel
Russian Federation
Цэ Сулейман Трэвэл, ООО
Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 44, Bayazita Bikbaya Street
Phone: +7 (917) 048-59-30
Web site:
Go on thematic excursions around Ufa, travel through the incredible beauties of Bashkiria with Suleyman Travel. And know, no matter what excursion you go with us, Bashkiria is always hospitable! Tour operator of domestic tourism "Center of Excursions Suleiman Travel" presents author's thematic tours around Ufa under the umbrella brand "Known and Unknown Ufa". , Ufa theatrical, Ufa sports, quest tours "Bashkir legends" and "In search of the Bashkir Santa Claus", tasting tours "Bashkir honey and lemons", "Chaykoffsky in Ufa", Zigzag Ufa and others. We are pleased to open the diverse tourist potential of the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan to our guests. And also the "Suleiman Travel Center for Excursions" conducts multi-day active, ecological, rural and children's tours in the Republic of Bashkortostan.


Сулейманова Лейсан Рифкатовна
Генеральный директор Центра экскурсий Suleyman Travel, автор брендов "Известная и неизвестная Уфа",  "В гости к бабушке" и обучающего курса по созданию сельских маршрутов. Победитель всероссийского конкурса "Мастера гостеприимства" 1 и 2 сезонов.