March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

SMART TRAVEL, Travel Agency

SMART TRAVEL, Travel Agency
Russian Federation
SMART TRAVEL, Турагентство
Address: Murmansk, Kolskiy av., 19
Phone: +79215112900
Web site:
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:961:"We all love to travel, but it means different things to different people: one person cannot be pulled out of museums, whereas another prefers to walk around a city and watch the locals. While one tourist is looking for new experiences and unusual places, another sees traveling as an opportunity to learn a foreign language. Travel Smart is a unique project in our northern region, combining educational and traditional tourism. We are sure that: * Excursions are not all about “look to the right, look to the left.” * Russia is not only matryoshkas and balalaikas (although we also have them). * Aurora Borealis is not the only thing that makes Murmansk worth visiting. We know how to: * teach Russian or English language in a fun and engaging way; * turn a trip to the north of Russia into a unique experience; * create designer souvenirs, play the button accordion and cook traditional Russian dishes. And we are ready to share this knowledge!";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}


Ключникова Валентина Алексеевна
Менеджер проекта, владею английским и китайским языками.
