March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Bashkiria National Park

Bashkiria National Park
Russian Federation
Национальный парк  Башкирия, ФГБУ
Address: Bashkortostan Republic, Nugush, 1, Abubakirova Str.
Phone: +7 (347) 643-97-35
Web site:
Bashkiria National Park - the Federal specially protected natural area, located on the southern slopes of the Ural mountains. Since 2012, UNESCO is part of a comprehensive biosphere reserve "Bashkir Ural". This area has a rich history, filled with mysterious tales and legends. Rare species of animals and birds one can observe in their natural habitat. The unique natural conditions allowed us to preserve the ancient Bashkir national fisheries – wild-honey farming. Anyone can comprehend its mysteries and buy the famous Bashkir wild honey. There is everything for active rest. Numerous caves, including the deepest in Europe, the failure of Sumgan for cavers with experience and beginners. Mountain river Nugush and Agidel for rafters. Nugushskoe and Yumaguzinskoe reservoir for fishermen. We offer adventures for every taste – horse, snowmobile, ski, and bike routes. For naturalists – photo tours, birdwatching, tours.



Национальный парк «БАШКИРИЯ» угостит гостей мёдом
11-13 марта представители национального парка «Башкирия» угостят гостей «Интурмаркета» башкирским мёдом, баурсаком и травяным чаем. А ещё расскажут о таких уникальных природных достопримечательностях, как Кутук-Сумганское урочище - геологический комплекс с многочисленными пещерами, карстовый мост и водопад Куперля, Юмагузинское и Нугушское водохранилища, каньон Пятилистник.