March 13-15, 2025
Nizhny Novgorod, exhib.compl. «Nizhny Novgorod Fair»

Kuzebay Gerd National Museum of the Udmurt Republic

Kuzebay Gerd National Museum of the Udmurt Republic
Russian Federation
Национальный музей Удмуртской Республики имени Кузебая Герда
Address: Izhevsk, 287, Kommunarov Str., Izhevsk, 426034, Udmurt Republic, Russia.
Phone: +7(3412)52-64-77
Web site:
a:2:{s:4:"TEXT";s:856:"The National Museum of the Udmurt Republic after K. Gerd is a state-owned research and cultural institution and the largest museum in Udmurtia. The museum was founded in 1920 and currently is housed in the Arsenal building, an architectural monument dated to the early 19th century. The museum funds preserve archaeological, ethnographical collections, historical documents such as photographs and written sources, collection of cold steel arms and firearms. Total number of items is over 200 000. The museum is named after Kuzebai Gerd, the Udmurt poet, prosaist, educator and political figure. The exposition floor includes the following sections: «The culture and lifestyle of the Udmurt people. XVI – the early XX century» «Industry and cities of the region. XVIII – the early XX century» «The Nature of Udmurtia» «Motorcycles: made in Izhevsk»";s:4:"TYPE";s:4:"HTML";}